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Civil Engineering

At Nitsch, we take an integrated, sustainable, and collaborative approach to site design. Our approach involves close coordination with the design team and the owner from the early stages of a project, with an eye towards designing a functional, permittable, and attractive building site.

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Designing Sites to Blend Form and Function

Our civil engineers address layout, grading, drainage, utility, and permitting issues in the initial stages of the design process. This allows them to investigate opportunities and to proactively identify and resolve problems before they become critical issues. We then design parking, roadways, walkways, utilities, and site features to blend stormwater management, grading, and drainage into the aesthetics of the project.

We specialize in integrating sustainable stormwater management and green infrastructure solutions into project sites. Our LEED, ENV SP, and SITES Accredited Professionals work closely with the design team to identify strategies that integrate site and building systems to help meet sustainable project goals and/or LEED or other sustainable certifications. To date, we have worked on more than 100 LEED projects.

“Bridgewater has an extremely high water table. With the addition of our bioretention basin, our visible landscape is clean and presentable to the public. Of concern to me in the past was the uncontrolled stormwater runoff from past drainage systems down the line to our neighbors. The bioretention basin has made this concern a thing of the past. The basin’s storage capacity and gradual release of stormwater runoff has been a noticeable benefit to our campus.”

Director of Physical Plant, Bridgewater State University

Our civil engineering team has comprehensive experience providing:

  • Due diligence and permitting strategy
  • Site development advisory services
  • Site utility design
  • Grading and layout design
  • Stormwater and drainage design
  • Sustainable design and green infrastructure
  • Site and utility permitting, including processes with local Conservation Commissions and Planning Boards, Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA), the Department of Environmental Protection’s Chapter 91 and Sewer Connection/Extension, and the City of Boston
  • Peer reviews
  • Expert witness services

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