Sassaquin Pond Scaled Sassaquin Pond Scaled Sassaquin Pond Scaled

The MS4 Permit has Become a Reality: What Does it Mean for You?

Sustainable and resilient design have become increasingly more important for land development. As a result, managing stormwater and addressing water quality are demanding more attention on the national, state, and local levels – as illustrated by the passage of the long-anticipated 2016 Massachusetts Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) General Permit.

The new permit provides a regulatory framework for managing stormwater and protecting the important water resources that impact the quality of life of every citizen. With the new permit, the EPA is moving away from traditional stormwater management techniques such as closed drainage systems and promoting the use of Green Infrastructure/Low Impact Development (LID) approaches. By infiltrating more stormwater at its point of generation, less stormwater is conveyed downstream, water quality is improved, downstream flooding is reduced, and erosion and sedimentation is all but eliminated. The natural hydrological cycle is restored.

While LID approaches are commonplace for some municipalities, in other areas they are relatively new. Many communities are struggling to understand how to comply with the requirements of the new permit – as well as how to fund compliance.

Nitsch Engineering is here to help!

We have been designing LID solutions up and down the east coast for 20+ years, incorporating strategies such as porous pavements, bioretention basins, and water quality swales that have stood the test of time and continue to work successfully after many years of operation.

Porous Pavement at Gallery Automotive

The Gallery Automotive project, located in Rockland and Hingham, includes infiltration facilities as well as porous asphalt that have significant removal rates for pollutants such as nitrogen and pathogens.

Over the next couple of months, Nitsch Engineering will be writing a series of educational pieces that include information about the six Minimum Control Measures (MCMs) of the MS4 permit, what they mean, and how they apply to our local municipalities.

In the meantime, be sure you plan to attend the public meeting about the new permit requirements in your area! Full details are posted here.

  • Western Massachusetts (Co-sponsored by the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission) | May 9, 2016, 9:30 – 11:30 am
  • Southeastern/Cape Cod Massachusetts (Co-sponsored by the Cape Cod Commission) | May 18, 2016, 12:30 – 2 pm
  • Northeastern Massachusetts (Co-sponsored by the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission) | May 19, 2016, 8 – 10am
  • Central Massachusetts (Co-sponsored by the 495/MetroWest Partnership) | May 24, 2016, 8:30 – 10:30am
  • Boston Area | June 6, 2016, 9am – 12pm


